Mata Draupadi Namdhari Guru Gobind Singh Public School
Affiliated to CBSE


"MDNGGPS is a wonderful community of art and craft. I have always felt welcome here and have learned from both teachers and fellow students. -MDNGGPS student"

Craft is community. Craft is connection. For young children and teens — MDNGGPS is a dynamic place to explore your creativity. People of all ages and skill levels bring their imaginations to life on our campus every day. We offer an exciting array of classes and workshops taught by professional artists.

Arts and crafts for kids are fun for children and the young-at-heart! These art & craft activities cover a wide range of subjects for young artists, future artisanal book makers, potential puppeteers, and more. These aren't just arts and crafts for kids; they're fun for the whole family too! Our selection of art projects for kids, activities, and decoration ideas also provide excellent inspiration for craft ideas for kids. High School Arts & Crafts activities to help show your child the fun side of learning! From easy high school arts & crafts activities to more advanced is provided by MDNGGPS.

Featuring concrete, hands-on activities that can be completed efficiently at the start of a unit, lesson, or topic, Activators help to:
  • Increase engagement in learning
  • Support a well-paced lesson
  • Generate connections to prior knowledge
  • Provide students with opportunities to practice skills and deepen understandings
  • Support formative assessment